Monday Inspirations - Happiness


Happy Monday everyone!

Questions: How do you measure happiness?

This past weekend I got to thinking about what makes ME happy and as a few scattered thoughts came and went, I started to jot them down. I then went looking through piles of old post-its with notes of things I wanted/needed/must-have's. This pile is an accumulation of probably 8 years, some as old as when  I worked with my previous employer (I've always had the habit of jotting on post-its) I grabbed my notebook and jotted down all the things that I STILL wanted (i.e. buy an investment property, make more time to socialize, Volunteer more often, give some serious thoughts to doing freelance 100% time, travel more...). Then I read a few that I found I had actually wanted way back then and achieved like buy a DSLR camera, a new desktop, a new laptop, a new car, a particular office chair, a long list of books, many items on my amazon wishlist. Then came a thought: Did any of these newly acquired items make me truly happy? And surprisingly, the answer was a NO. The one thing I NEEDED but didn't account for, was having more TIME. Time to learn to use my camera, to read, to go on road trips with my new car, etc, etc.

Isn't it ironic that when we create a list of wants and needs, we often overlook the very basics for example: wanting a bike,  but not wanting that odd knee pain that comes and goes. I long for more time for personal growth and exploring more of the things that make me happy as a person, as a whole.

Amongst this year's resolutions was to MAKE THE TIME to incorporate more of the things that truly make me HAPPY. Perhaps take a cooking class, or a foreign language, or actually MAKE the time for a book club...

What are some of the things that would make YOU happy? Leave me a comment and let me know!